Boot camp VW maintenance training
Boot camp VW maintenance training

Boot Camp maintenance training

The Bus Boot Camp VW maintenance course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn to repair and maintain their air-cooled Volkswagen, whether camper van, Beetle, or bus.

If you're a proud split-screen or bay window owner and want to learn how to maintain your vehicle to the highest level, this course is ideal. It's suitable for everyone - from beginners to those with a little more experience - and is friendly, laid back and informal. 

No prior knowledge or experience of mechanics is required. If you want to understand how your classic VW works, learn new skills or simply refresh your knowledge and get your hands dirty, it’s a great day out and thoroughly recommended in the leading Volkswagen magazines and by past attendees.

The one day Bus Boot Camp VW maintenance course runs approximately every six to eight weeks through the year and covers basic maintenance, including servicing and emergency repairs. The maintenance course runs from 8.30am until 3.30pm, with pastries, lunch and refreshments included.

About boot camp

Each Boot Camp is packed full of tips and tricks and you'll leave with the 'Boot Camp Bible' so you can continue your learning journey at home.

Simple maintenance can be fun and straightforward. In many cases, with some basic knowledge, you can turn a major roadside issue (and a
long ride home on the back of an AA truck) into brief hiccup. Imagine - you could be back on the road within minutes, with a vehicle full of impressed friends and family! 

What’s more, getting to know your air-cooled classic is an important part of owning and enjoying it. Even if you're not interested in full mechanical strip-downs and engine rebuilding, having a basic knowledge of your air-cooled vehicle is hugely valuable and will arm you with peace of mind and confidence.
